Assignment Operators

In osl you can use an assignment operator to set a variable to itself but modified by an operator. This allows you to compact code into a simpler format.

An example of an assignment operator is += where it adds/joins a value to the variable

variable = 10
// the variable is 10

variable += 10
// the variable is now 20

All Assignment operators

variable += number
// adds a number to the variable value

variable += string
// joins a string to the variable value

variable -= number
// subtracts a number from the variable value

variable /= number
// divides the variable value by a number

variable *= number
// multiplies the variable value by a number

variable %= number
// sets the varable value to "variable % number"

variable ^= number
// sets the varable value to "variable ^ number"


variable ++
// increase a variable by exactly 1

variable --
// decrease a variable by exactly 1

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