Making Arrays Or Objects

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Creating Arrays

Arrays in OSL are 1-indexed collections that can hold any type of value.

// Simple array
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

// Array with expressions
base = 10
computed = [base * 1, base * 2, base * 3]  // [10, 20, 30]

// Mixed type array
mixed = [1, "text", true, {x: 10}]

// Array with computed values
vals = [1 + 1, "pre" ++ "fix", 10 * 2]  // [2, "prefix", 20]

Creating Objects

Objects are collections of key-value pairs that can include computed values and methods.

// Simple object
person = {
    name: "John",
    age: 30

// Object with computed values
numbers = {
  num1: 0.5 * 2,
  num2: 1 * 2,
  num3: 1.5 * 2


// Object with methods
multiplier = 2
product = {
    price: 10,
    discount: 0.2,
    final: def() -> (
      return self.price * (1 - * multiplier


Important Notes

  • Arrays are 1-indexed (first element is at index 1)

  • Objects can use self to reference their own properties

  • Both arrays and objects can contain any OSL data type

  • Values can be computed when creating arrays or objects

  • Methods can be included in objects using def() ->

Last updated

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