The Window System


OSL applications are all run as windows, even scripts, everything is a window.

Each file only has access to a single window and acts as only one window

If you want to do almost anything with the window in osl you will more than likely need to use either the window commands or the newer, window object

Showing the window
// Shows the window (allowing the user to move/drag and resize the window by default)

// Hides the window, stopping all user interaction that is handled by origin

If a window is hidden and lacks a "mainloop:" label, it will be closed by origin when the program finishes execution.

Modifying the window

You can modify the parameters of your osl window in origin such as disabling resizing, moving, and changing the dimensions of your window.

Window Position

window.x = x
// set the window's x position

window.y = y
// set the window's y position

Window Size

// enables and disables the window from being resized by the user

window.resize(width, height)

window.width = width
window.height = height
// set the size of the window

Closing the window and execution control

// this instantly closes the window and stops all code execution

exit "exit code"
// Ends the current cycle with a chosen exit code, if the program is hidden and 
// doesn't have a mainloop: it will be closed, otherwise it will jump to the end 
// of the script and start from the beginning next frame

window "responsive" true/false
// this disables origin's application sleep mode for this window, allowing you to continue running code even when the window is not in focus
// this may affect system performance depending on what code you are running

window.renderexec = true/false
// a boolean that enables or disables the window osl script running when hovered over with the mouse and not focused
// this is settable

window.framerate = (10 to 250)
// the fps that the window wants to be run at
// clamped between 10 and 250
// this is settable

window.no_desktop = true/false
// disables or enables the desktop system affecting your application.


If your window is hidden and you are rendering things, they may leave a trail behind, so when you move the thing you are rendering and need to clear the screen, use

window "refresh_bg"
// this redraws the background behind your app

Create a new window

window.create(window.file.uuid, {
  "passed_data": "data"
// add a new window from the same file (essentially clone this window)
// the passed_data is what that window receives in the variable "passed_data"
// be careful because this can cause an infinite loop and crash osl

All endpoints on the window variable

Parents and Children
// returns the window id of the window that created this window
// this key is not a direct reference to the parent id and changing it will not edit the parent id

// the permissions of the window that created this window
// this key is not a direct reference to the parent permissions and changing it will not edit the parent permissions
// the name of the window that created this window
// this key is not a direct reference to the parent name and changing it will not edit the parent name

// returns an array of the ids of windows that this window has created
// this key is not a direct reference to the window children and changing it will only affect your program

Parent Variables

In osl, if the parent window is running the same file as the child window, you can access the parent's variables by reference to edit and view them in real time.

Create a new window

if window.parent.file_uuid == window.file.uuid (
  // only run if the parent window is the same file
  if passed_data == "Child" (
    // only run if this window was created with the data "Child"
    vars @= window.parent.variables
    // get the parent window's variables by reference
    vars.hello += 1
    // increment the hello variable
    window "stop"

hello = 10
// set hello to 10

window.create(window.file.uuid, {
  "passed_data": "Child"
// create a new window with the data "Child" from the same file

log hello
// keep logging the hello variable
// this changes from 10 to 11

File and code data

// returns the fully compiled code of the window (this is an array)
// this key is not a direct reference to the window code and changing it will not edit the code

// returns the permissions of the current window as an array
// example: ["file admin","camera"]
// this key is only a copy of the window permissions
// it will not edit the actual permissions if you change this

// this functions identically to window.permissions, it is not editable
// this will return the file path of the current osl file
// example: "origin/(c) users/username/downloads/new.osl"

// returns the uuid that leads to the file that controls this window

// this data is an array
// returns the current uncompiled code that is running

// this data is settable
// allows you to set the folder that a file will be moved to when it is dropped onto this window

Window Location
// returns window.height / 2
// this is only a reference to the maths above, setting it will only persist for one cycle

// returns window.height / -2
// this is only a reference to the maths above, setting it will only persist for one cycle

// returns window.width / -2
// this is only a reference to the maths above, setting it will only persist for one cycle

// returns window.width / 2
// this is only a reference to the maths above, setting it will only persist for one cycle

// returns the width of the window
// This is settable

// returns the height of the window
// This is settable

Window Permissions

// Returns true if the window has the specified permission, false otherwise
// Example:
if window.hasPermission("camera") (
    // Use camera
) else (
    permission "request" "camera"

// Can check multiple permissions
if window.hasPermission("notifications") and window.hasPermission("sound") (
    // Play notification sound

Accent Colour

You can set the outline of your window using the window_accent variable

window_accent = #fff
// this sets the accent of the window

Last updated

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