If Statements

In the OSL language, if statements are pivotal for controlling the flow of a program based on certain conditions. Below is a breakdown of how if statements work:

Basic if Statement:

The basic if statement tests a condition. If the condition is true, the commands within the block are executed. If not, the program moves to the next section.

if 10 > 5 (
   log "10 is bigger than 5!"

if else Statements

if-else statements allow for alternative code blocks to be executed if the condition is false.

if-else Statement:

If the condition in the if statement is true, the commands within the first block are executed. Otherwise, the commands within the else block are executed.


if condition (
   say "command1"
   say "command2"
) else (
   say "command3"
   say "command4"

else if Statements

else-if statements allow for multiple conditions to be checked sequentially. If one condition is true, the corresponding block of code is executed.

else-if Statement:

Multiple conditions can be checked using else-if. If the condition in the if statement is false, the program checks the condition in the else-if. If that's true, the corresponding block of commands is executed.


if condition1 (
   say "command1"
   say "command2"
) else if condition2 (
   say "command3"
   say "command4"

Short Forms

Short forms of if and if-else statements can be used for concise syntax.

Short Form of if Statement:

if condition (;command1;)
test_var = "hi"
if 10 > 3 (;say test_var;)
// you can use ; <== to insert a newline into the script after compilation

Short Form of if-else Statement:

if condition (;command1;) else (;command2;)

Additional Information on Conditional Statements (if):

  • Conditions can involve logical operators (and, or, not) and comparison operators (==, ~=, <, >, <=, >=).

  • Conditions can also include function calls that return boolean values.

  • if statements can be nested within each other to create more complex decision-making structures.

Now, let's look at examples for each type of statement:


Basic if Statement:

// Example of a basic if statement
// If the temperature is greater than 25, it's considered a hot day
temperature = 30
if temperature > 25 (
    say "It's a hot day!"

In this example, the if statement checks if the temperature variable is greater than 25. If the condition is true, the program executes the commands inside the block, which outputs "It's a hot day!" using the say command.

if else Statement:

// Example of an if-else statement
// Determines if a person is an adult or a minor based on their age
age = 17

if age >= 18 (
    say "You are an adult."
) else (
    say "You are a minor."

In this example, the if-else statement checks if the age variable is greater than or equal to 18. If the condition is true, it outputs "You are an adult." If the condition is false, it outputs "You are a minor."

else if Statement:

// Example of an else-if statement
// Assigns a letter grade based on a numerical grade
grade = 85

if grade >= 90 (
    say "You got an A."
) else if grade >= 80 (
    say "You got a B."
) else if grade >= 70 (
    say "You got a C."
) else (
    say "You need to improve your grade."

In this example, the else-if statement checks multiple conditions to determine the letter grade based on the grade variable. If the grade is greater than or equal to 90, it outputs "You got an A." If the grade is between 80 and 89, it outputs "You got a B." If the grade is between 70 and 79, it outputs "You got a C." Otherwise, it outputs "You need to improve your grade."

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