

The pen commands allow you to draw various types of lines on the screen. The pen can be configured with different properties like size, opacity, and brightness.

Pen Commands

Pen State

pen "down"
// Start drawing - subsequent movements will create lines

pen "up"
// Stop drawing - subsequent movements won't create lines

Pen Properties

pen "size" 3
// Set line thickness in pixels

pen "opacity" 75
// Set line opacity (0-100)

pen "brightness" 100
// Set line brightness (0-100)

Line Drawing Commands

Basic Line

Draws a straight line between two points.

c #fff
pen "size" 3
// Set color and line thickness

goto 0 0
line 50 0 -50 -50
// Draws a line from (50,0) to (-50,-50)

Dotted Line

Creates a line made up of evenly spaced dots.

c #fff
pen "size" 3
// Set color and dot size

goto 0 0
dots -100 -100 100 100 30
// Parameters: startX startY endX endY numberOfDots

Striped Line

Creates a dashed line with configurable segment length and spacing.

c #fff
pen "size" 3
// Set color and line thickness

goto 0 0
stripe -100 100 100 -100 10 5
// Parameters: startX startY endX endY numberOfSegments gapSize

Command Reference

line x1 y1 x2 y2

Draws a solid line from point (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)

dots x1 y1 x2 y2 count

Draws a dotted line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with specified number of dots

stripe x1 y1 x2 y2 segments gap

Draws a dashed line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with specified number of segments and gap size

Important Notes

  • Always set color (c) and pen size before drawing

  • Use goto to position the pen before drawing

  • Pen properties (size, opacity, brightness) affect all subsequent drawing operations

  • The coordinate system is centered (0,0 is in the middle of the window)

  • Positive Y is up, negative Y is down

  • Import "win-buttons" to show window controls when needed

Last updated

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