Clipping And Scrolling (frames)

OSL provides a powerful frame system for clipping content and creating scrollable areas in your applications.

Basic Clipping

The frame command lets you define a rectangular area that clips (masks) any content drawn inside it. Content outside the frame's boundaries will not be visible.


frame left top right bottom (
    // Content to be clipped goes here

The frame boundaries are defined by four coordinates:

  • left: Left edge position (x-coordinate)

  • top: Top edge position (y-coordinate)

  • right: Right edge position (x-coordinate)

  • bottom: Bottom edge position (y-coordinate)

Example: Basic Clipping

// Define frame boundaries
left = -100
right = 100    // Creates a 200px wide frame
top = 100
bottom = -100  // Creates a 200px tall frame

    frame left top right bottom (
        // Draw a large square that will be clipped
        square 10000 10000 20
        // Only the portion within the 200x200 frame will be visible

Scrollable Frames

You can create scrollable areas in two ways:

  1. Two-dimensional scrolling with content width and height

  2. Vertical-only scrolling with just content height

Two-Dimensional Scrolling Syntax

frame left top right bottom [content_width, content_height] "frame_id" (
    // Scrollable content goes here

Additional parameters:

  • [content_width, content_height]: Dimensions of the scrollable content area

  • "frame_id": Unique identifier for the scrollable frame

Vertical-Only Scrolling Syntax

frame left top right bottom content_height "frame_id" (
    // Vertically scrollable content goes here

Additional parameters:

  • content_height: Total height of the scrollable content (integer)

  • "frame_id": Unique identifier for the scrollable frame

Example: Two-Dimensional Scrolling

// Style settings
text_size = 10
image_width = 150

    // Create a 200x200 frame with 1000x200 scrollable content
    frame -100 100 100 -100 [1000, 200] "my_scroll_frame" (
        // Position content using scroll coordinates
        goto scroll_x scroll_y
        // Add content that can scroll both horizontally and vertically
        text "Header Text" text_size
        change_y -20
        image my_image image_width

Example: Vertical-Only Scrolling

    // Create a 200x200 frame with 500px scrollable height
    frame -100 100 100 -100 500 "vertical_scroll" (
        // Position content using scroll_y only
        goto 0 scroll_y
        // Add vertically scrolling content
        text "Title" text_size
        change_y -30
        text "Long content that scrolls vertically..." text_size
        change_y -20
        image my_image image_width

Important Notes

  1. Frame Coordinates

    • Coordinates are relative to the center of the screen

    • Positive Y goes up, negative Y goes down

    • Frame size = (right - left) × (top - bottom)

  2. Scrolling Behavior

    • Scrollbars appear automatically when content exceeds frame size

    • Scroll position is tracked via scroll_x and scroll_y variables

    • Content coordinates are relative to scroll position

  3. Best Practices

    • Use meaningful frame IDs for easier management

    • Consider padding inside frames for better appearance

    • Update content layout based on scroll position

    • Clean up or reset scroll position when needed

  4. Common Use Cases

    • Long text documents

    • Image galleries

    • Lists and menus

    • Content that exceeds screen size

Last updated

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