Color Commands


The color commands set the current color for all subsequent UI elements. OSL provides three equivalent commands for setting colors: colour, color, and c. All three commands function identically, allowing you to use whichever spelling you prefer.


colour #hexcode
color #hexcode
c #hexcode

// Or using RGB integer (0-16777215)
colour integer
color integer
c integer


  • #hexcode: A hexadecimal color code (e.g., #3498db) or single-value RGB color

  • integer: A number between 0 and 16777215 representing RGB color (e.g., 13434829 for #CD1234)

Usage Examples

// Using different command variations with hex codes
colour #3498db  // Dodger blue
color #3498db   // Same color, different spelling
c #3498db      // Shorthand version

// Using RGB integers
c 16711680     // Red (#FF0000)
c 65280        // Green (#00FF00)
c 255          // Blue (#0000FF)
c 16777215     // White (#FFFFFF)
c 0            // Black (#000000)

// Using colors with UI elements
c #ff0000      // Red using hex
square 100 100 10

c 65280        // Green using RGB integer
text "Colored text" 10

// RGB color values in hex
c #fff         // White (shorthand)
c #000000      // Black (full notation)
c #7f7f7f      // Gray

// Using colors in a drawing
c #f1c40f      // Yellow using hex
square 100 100 10
c 15158332     // Red (#E74C3C) using RGB integer
icon "dot 0 0" 10
c #3498db      // Blue using hex
text "Hello, World!" 10

Important Notes

  • The color remains active until changed by another color command

  • Supports both hex codes and RGB integers:

    • Hex: #RRGGBB or #RGB format

    • Integer: 0-16777215 (represents full RGB color space)

  • Color affects all subsequent drawing operations

  • The three command variations (colour, color, c) are completely interchangeable

  • Hex colors are case-insensitive (#FFF is the same as #fff)

  • Invalid color codes or integers outside the valid range will default to black (#000000)

  • The default color is white (#FFFFFF or 16777215) if no color is set

Last updated

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