Sound System

OSL provides a comprehensive sound system for loading, playing, and manipulating audio in your applications.

Note: Sound handling requires OriginOS version 4.6.4 or later.

Basic Commands

Loading Sounds

Load a sound into RAM from a URL or data URI:

sound "url" "load" "name"

Playback Control

// Play from beginning
sound "url"/"name" "play"

// Pause playback
sound "url"/"name" "pause"

// Resume playback
sound "url"/"name" "unpause"

// Start at specific time
sound "url"/"name" "start" time

// Remove sound from memory
sound "url"/"name" "clear"

Sound Properties

// Adjust volume (0-1)
sound "url"/"name" "volume" int

// Change playback speed (default: 1)
sound "url"/"name" "speed" int

Sound Information Methods

// Check if sound is loaded
"sound_name".soundinfo("loaded")    // Returns boolean

// Get sound duration
"sound_name".soundinfo("duration")  // Returns seconds

// Get current playback position

// Get current volume

// Get current pitch

// Check if sound is playing
"sound_name".soundinfo("playing")   // Returns boolean

Multiple Sound Support

You can pass multiple sounds in an array to apply commands to multiple sounds simultaneously:

// Pause multiple sounds
sound ["sound1", "sound2"] "pause"

// Adjust volume for multiple sounds
sound ["background", "effects"] "volume" 0.5

Example Usage

Basic Sound Player

// Load sound
sound_url = ""
sound sound_url "load" "background_music"

// Play when loaded
if "background_music".soundinfo("loaded") (
    sound "background_music" "play"

Advanced Sound Control

// Load multiple sounds
sound "effect.wav" "load" "effect1"
sound "music.mp3" "load" "music"

    // Check if music is playing
    if "music".soundinfo("playing").not (
        // Start music if not playing
        sound "music" "play"
        sound "music" "volume" 0.7
    // Play effect on spacebar
    if " ".isKeyDown() (
        sound "effect1" "play"

Sound Progress Tracker

sound "song.mp3" "load" "current_song"

    if "current_song".soundinfo("loaded") (
        current = "current_song".soundinfo("current_time")
        total = "current_song".soundinfo("duration")
        progress = current / total
        // Display progress bar
        bar 200 20 5 progress

Important Notes

  • Always check if sounds are loaded before playing

  • Sound URLs can be external or data URIs

  • Volume values range from 0 to 1

  • Default playback speed is 1

  • Multiple sounds can be controlled simultaneously using arrays

  • Sound names must be unique when loading

  • Memory management is important - clear unused sounds

  • Sound availability depends on browser and system support

Last updated

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