Dynamic Icons


Dynamic icons allow for interactive and responsive vector graphics. They can respond to variables, perform calculations, and conditionally render different elements.

Enabling Dynamic Mode

To create a dynamic icon, the first line of the ICN file must be @dynamic:

// rest of the icon code


Variables from the environment can be accessed using the $ prefix:



c #fff
line 0 0 $mouseX $mouseY  // Draws line to mouse position

Conditional Rendering

Basic Syntax

condition ( 
    // commands to execute if condition is true


$value > 50 (
    c #00ff00
    dot 0 0


Comparison Operators

  • == Equal to

  • ! Not equal to

  • < Less than

  • > Greater than

Arithmetic Operators

  • + Addition

  • - Subtraction

  • / Division

  • * Multiplication

  • % Modulo

  • ^ Power

Mathematical Functions

  • sin Sine (degrees)

  • cos Cosine (degrees)

  • tan Tangent (degrees)

  • sqrt Square root

  • abs Absolute value

  • floor Round down

  • ceil Round up

  • round Round to nearest integer

  • log Natural logarithm

  • exp Exponential

Example: Clock Icon

c #fff
w 20
dot 0 0

w 2 c #000
line 0 0 $minute * 6 sin * 6 $minute * 6 cos * 6
line 0 0 $hour * 4 sin * 4 $hour * 4 cos * 4

w 1.5 c #555
line 0 0 $second * 6 sin * 8 $second * 6 cos * 8

Order of Evaluation

Operations are evaluated from left to right. For example:

10 + 10 < 20 - 20  // Evaluates to -20

Evaluation steps:

  1. 10 + 1020 < 20 - 20

  2. 20 < 20 - 20false - 20

  3. false - 20-20

Last updated

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